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English translation for ""

(测定物体重量的器具; 杆秤) balance; steelyard 短语和例子

Related Translations:
定量秤:  basis weight scale
包裹秤:  post parcel scale
秤毫:  lifting cord of a steelyard
天平秤:  balancerocking levelscale arm
居里秤:  curie balance
秤台:  weighing platform
手秤:  hand balancehand scale
静电秤:  electrical static balance
沥青秤:  asphalt weigher
安培秤:  deka ampere balance
Example Sentences:
1.Solid's flow can be measured by weigh dump .
2.The weigh belt will turn on bin shaker to start the material moving again .
3.If he stands on a balance scale calibrated in newtons, what will the scale read ?
4.The units painted on the dial of a scale are often mass units, not force units .
5.A certain risk is involved when cereal grains are maturing in the field on the stalk .
6.There was hardly a child that had not hung beneath his steelyards, tied in a silk handkerchief .
7.A force exerted on the balance changes the length of the spring, and the change can be read on the scale .
8.The chief watched as the spanish quickly melted down the gold and stacked the bars on the scales for distribution .
9.Rigged method and replied to price computing scale
10.And when you die god puts it all on a scale
在你死的时候, ?会把它们放上天
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