| 1. | Landscape of changan private garden of the tang dynasty style 唐长安的私家园林景观 |
| 2. | Phenomena of chinese private gardens in the pre - qin dynasty 先秦时期中国私家园林寻踪 |
| 3. | The water feature design art in the private gardens in beijing 北京私家园林的理水艺术 |
| 4. | Buildings in the private gardens in beijing 北京私家园林的建筑艺术 |
| 5. | The culture of name in the classic and private park in china 中国古典私家园林中的名称文化初探 |
| 6. | Research on private gardens of beijing 北京私家园林研究初探 |
| 7. | The meanings of the writing and titles in suzhou private gardens 苏州私家园林中文字和题名背后的深层涵义 |
| 8. | New private gardens in suzhou 苏州重现私家园林 |
| 9. | Application of combined fine brushwork and freehand brushwork technique in traditional chinese gardens 岭南私家园林中的景名文化 |
| 10. | The reasons of the differences between chinese ming amp; amp; qing dynast private gardens and japanese curtilages white sand and naked rock court garden 中国明清私家园林与日本枯山水庭院风格差异原因初探 |