钩: Ⅰ名词1.(钩子) hook 短语和例子秤钩儿 steelyard hook; 衣钩 a coat hanger2.(汉字的笔画) hook stroke in chinese characters3.(钩形符号) hook-like mark; tick4.(一种古代兵器) a hook-like sword5.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子钩亮 gou lia
离: Ⅰ动词1.(离开) leave; part from; be away from; separate 短语和例子远离家乡 go far away from home; 别离 be separated; 离连赴京 leave dalian for beijing; 她离家已经多年了。 she's been away from home for many years.2.(背离
钩骨钩: hamular process of unciform bonehamulus hook of hamatehamulus of hamate bonehamulus of hamatebonehook of hamate boneuncus of hamate bone