The sum , date and payee recorded in an instrument must not be altered . instruments which have been altered are invalid 票据金额、日期、收款人名称不得更改,更改的票据无效。
Liability on a negotiable instrument as used in this law means the obligation of a debtor to pay the sum payable by the instrument to the holder 本法所称票据责任,是指票据债务人向持票人支付票据金额的义务。
Liability for negotiable instruments as referred to in this law denotes the obligation of the debtor to pay the sum specified in the instrument to the bearer 本法所称票据责任,是指票据债务人向持票人支付票据金额的义务。
Article 18 the holder of a negotiable instrument who forfeits his rights thereon by reason of limitation of time or defects in specified particulars on the instrument still has civil rights and he is entitled to demand the drawer or acceptor to make a refund equivalent to the sum in the instrument not yet paid 第十八条持票人因超过票据权利时效或者因票据记载事项欠缺而丧失票据权利的,仍享有民事权利,可以请求出票人或者承兑人返还其与未支付的票据金额相当的利益。