Being an amateur is a good thing ; from this level one can rise to the level of artist rather easily 做为票友是件好事,这层境界的朋友很容易可以升华到艺术家的最高境界。
Professionals don ' t have websites and don ' t put out technical newsletters . those people are usually amateurs 职业摄影师没有个人的网页,也不出版技术新闻。通常是票友级的才会去做这些事。
This person loves to create photographs . good amateurs of pure spirit can transcend the other levels directly to being an artist 他们热爱创作!纯为创作的优秀票友,常能直接升华到艺术家的最高境界。
The bill for his mother s surgery came to hk 500 about 26 us , and his parents savings didn t come close to covering the cost 他们是住在法国大使的家,父亲是法国大使的厨子,母亲则是管家,也是京剧票友。
People who earn less than half of their income from photography are amateurs . this has nothing to do with the quality of their photography 票友是指摄影所得占总收入不到一半的那群人,摄影收入与他们的功力无关。
People who shoot weddings and etc . on weekends as a side line from their day jobs are still amateurs ; they just charge for their photos 那些只利用假日专拍婚礼等活动的玩家仍算是票友,即使他们要收费而且索价甚高。
Actors perform in a peking opera in yiling square of yichang city , central china ' s hubei province , nov . 7 , 2007 11月7日,作为第八届中国艺术节分会场的湖北省宜昌市,在夷陵广场举行京剧票友专场演唱会,演员在表演京剧。
Mostlyline drawings and collages ( with no attribution to detail who madewhat ) , the publication grew fancier over time with die - cut paper , colorcovers , and creative folds 大多符合图纸和拼贴画(无归属的细节作了什么) ,出版长大票友在过去一段时间内模具切割纸,彩色封面,并创作倍。