He's been very restless all day and he was awake nearly all last night . 整天他都神魂不安,昨儿一整夜几乎没有合上眼。
Because of the exaltation of her own spirit, she found in the whole ceremonial, the softly spoken words, a surpassing beauty beyond any that she had ever experienced before . 因为她自己的神魂也已超升的缘故,她就觉得那全部的仪式,那温和的言语,没有一样不具有她以前所经历的超脱的美。
Excersisin , visualizin , everyone inside a casket picture me blasted , surrounded by niggaz in masks 一句句扣我神魂恍惚中我为你流下真的瓷@
He got so worked up , and got to running on so about his troubles , he forgot all about what he d been a - going to do 这些搞得他神魂不定,坐立不安,害得他连平日里该做些什么事也记不得了。
Villefort had secluded himself , not to study , but to reflect ; and with the door locked and orders given that he should not be disturbed excepting for important business , he sat down in his arm - chair and began to ponder over the events , the remembrance of which had during the last eight days filled his mind with so many gloomy thoughts and bitter recollections 门已经关上,他已吩咐仆人,除非有特别重要的事情。不许来打扰他。门关上以后他在圈椅里坐下来,开始细细地思索这一星期来的事情,累得他神魂不安,始终痛苦地在他的头脑里萦回不息的这些事情。