| 1. | Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion . 蜂皇精治神经衰弱很有效。 |
| 2. | You have no compassion on my poor nerves . 你半点儿也不体谅我的神经衰弱。 ” |
| 3. | Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion 蜂皇浆对治疗神经衰弱很有效。 |
| 4. | I have news for you . your neurosis is small - time 我告诉你一件事你患有轻微的神经衰弱症 |
| 5. | My aunt suffered from a nervous breakdown 我阿姨得了神经衰弱。 |
| 6. | It is also functional of short eye sight , suppress the neurasthenia 预防近视,抑制神经衰弱,治疗失眠 |
| 7. | Panic disorder plus neurosis 精神失控加上神经衰弱 |
| 8. | Panic disorder plus neurosis 精神失控加上神经衰弱 |
| 9. | She suffered a nervous breakdown 她患神经衰弱 |
| 10. | " don ' t carry on living this pace : you ' ll wind up with a nervous breakdown "别继续以这种节奏节生活:你会得神经衰弱症的。 |