| 1. | The grace and power of god waited for man ' s bidding 神的恩典与权能等着人向他祈求。 |
| 2. | He was healed by jesus ' grace and power 因著神的恩典与大能,他痊愈了。 |
| 3. | God shows his grace to the devotee by manifesting as his guru 神的恩典,显现为信众的上师。 |
| 4. | Noah was saved by god ' s grace 神的恩典拯救了挪亚。 |
| 5. | To me , its a miracle or divine intervention , mr . grim said 格力姆先生表示:对我来说,这不是奇迹就是神的恩典! |
| 6. | It was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fear relieved 神的恩典教我心存敬畏,减轻我心中的恐惧。 |
| 7. | To prove to everybody a pure example of gods grace , love and perfection 要向大家证明,这是神的恩典慈爱和完全。 |
| 8. | The grace of god is enough 神的恩典够我用。 |
| 9. | It was grace that brought us safe thus far and grace will lead us home 神的恩典保我们安全至今,并将指引我们回家。 |
| 10. | Believers realise that they need saving from sin and require god ' s grace 信徒认识到他们需要从罪中得救,需要神的恩典。 |