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Vibratory steel roller 震动钢路磙
Over time metal - roller milling was to spread to other grains including rice and to other parts of the world , often with equally impressive results 随着时间的推移,金属磙筒被推广到了其他类的谷物(包括稻作)和世界的其他地区,同样取得了令人赞赏的结果
Nor does metal roller milling exhaust the list of important innovations in grain processing , for we also see continuous improvements in grain - separation technology , faster analysis of mill batches for protein content among other things , and greater control over flour particle size and uniformity 金属磙筒只是谷物加工方面众多重要的发明之一。我们还看到:谷物去壳技术的不断改进,批量碾磨中蛋白含量的更快速的鉴定,还有对粉状颗粒大小和均匀性的更有效的控制。
To cite but one example : the development around 1840 of metal rollers for grinding grain helped to open up huge new opportunities for wheat farmers in eastern europe and the united states , areas that produced mainly hard high - gluten grains that had proved difficult to mill with earlier stone - grinding technology 19世纪40年前后谷物碾磨业所发明的金属磙筒为东欧和美国的麦农提供了大量的新机会。这些地区主要生产高粘度的实心谷物,用早期的石碾技术处理起来非常困难。