14 . 5 checked your mast every 12 months to ensure that it is properly sealed and will not fill with water during capsize 14 . 5每年应检测船桅以碓保密封妥当并没有因覆舟而积水。
Hyun - min ( shin hyun - jun ) is a leading face reconstruction specialist , helping investigators identify murder victims by studying the features of their skulls 李铉民(申铉?饰)是国立科学?证研究院的首席?证员,用电脑科技把头骨重组原来样貌,协助警方碓定死者的身份。
A few days later , taro s eyes started to show despite a sheer white layer over them . but two weeks later , taro started to lose hair on his feet and tail . off to the vet again 为碓定太郎的情况,第二天马上再找另一个兽医诊断,医生详细解释说,太郎的眼睛的患有角膜溃疡,而且有感冒,所谓不能治愈的猫瘟,是指一种肠道病。
During the project , staff from highway department , afcd , epd and wwf hong kong will be making regular visits to the works to ensure that it is being carried out according to plan and that there are minimal impacts 工程进行期间,路政署渔护署环保署及世界自然基金会将实施定期监察,碓保合乎预期工序,对环境的影响减至最低。