International travelers are required to reconfirm their reservations at least 72 hours prior to departure if they stay lasts more than 3 days 销售:国际旅行者需要提前72小时确认航班预订,如果停留时间大于三天。
S : international travelers are required to reconfirm their reservations at least 72 hours prior to departure if they stay lasts more than 3 days 销售:国际旅行者需要提前72小时确认航班预订,如果停留时间大于三天。
General advice to business travellers was to allow extra time for journeys and check on the website for each airport to see what arrangements were being made 有关方面给商务旅客的一般建议是,为旅行留出额外时间,并在各机场网站上确认航班安排。