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English translation for "石印画"


Related Translations:
石印:  lithographic printing; lithography; 石印画 lithograph 短语和例子石印机 lithographic press: 石印蜡笔 lighographic crayon; 石印石 lithographic limestone; 石印术 lighography; 石印油 litho oil; 石印毡 litho felt; 石印照相制版
石印石:  lithographic chalklithographic stonelithogrpahic stone
石印蜡笔:  lighographic crayon
彩色石印:  chrome boardlithochromylithotint
石印的:  lithographic
石印手帕:  ink printed handkerchieflithographic printed handkerchief
石印机:  lithograph presslithogrophic machine
石印油画:  oleograph
石印毡:  litho felt
石印术:  lithographypolyautography
Example Sentences:
1.He had been brought up only on chromos .
2.Martin had intended to reply , but he was struck by the hopelessness of it . he gazed across the monstrous sordidness of soul to a chromo on the wall . it surprised him
3." let me show you something , " he said , affably , coming over and taking out of his pocket a little lithographed card which had been issued by a wholesale tobacco company
“我给你看点东西。 ”他和气地说着走了过来,从口袋里掏出一张小小的石印画卡片。那是一家烟草批发公司发行的。
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