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English translation for "矮人观场"

the dwarf seeing a show -- follow suit without knowing why; a short fellow sees the show -- an inexperienced man takes others' ideas as his own.; follow the reaction of others without opinion of one's own; lack independent judgement; like a dwarf who can't see the game but adds his cheer to the chorus; see very limitedly and echo what others say; the dwarf squeezing himself into the crowd to see the performance on the square

Related Translations:
矮人:  1.(身材短小的人) dwarf; short person [fellow]2.(炼金术士在蒸馏瓶中人工制造的小人) homunculus3.[医学] dwarfism; nanism; nanus
矮人狙击手:  dwarven sniper
盾矮人:  shield dwarves
矮人区:  deeprun tram - stormwind istance
矮人领主:  dwarvish lord
矮人语:  khuzdul
矮人头发:  b dwarf haire dwarf hairf dwarf hair
矮人矿石:  dwarven ore
矮人间谍:  the dwarven spy
小矮人:  little man
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