I ' m sorry , i didn ' t get your name . is it loser 对不起,我不知道你的名字是矬人吗
It might be a pleasant change from all the losers that ask me out 和其他约我的矬人比起来,也许不错
What are you jerk - offs doing here 你们这帮矬人来干吗?
Or a hunchback or a dwarf , or one who has a defect in his eye or eczema or scale or crushed testicles 20驼背的、矮矬的、眼睛有毛病的、长癣的、长疥的、或外肾损坏的,都不可近前来。
The last night pa was boosed he was standing on the landing there bawling out for his boots to go out to tunney s for to boose more and he looked butty and short in his shirt 他站在楼梯平台那儿,喊人给他拿靴子他要到滕尼的店里去再灌上几杯。他只穿了件衬衫,看上去又矬又矮,像一只酒桶。