着 助词 1.(表示动作的持续) 短语和例子 风轻轻地吹着。 the wind is blowing gently. 他提着箱子走了进去。 he went in carrying his suitcase. 他正吃着午饭呢。 he is having his lunch. 一大片金黄的稻子等着收割。 a vast golden stretch of rice was waiting to be cut.2.(表示状态的持续) 短语和例子 窗子开着。 the window is open. 桌子上放着一台收音机。 there is a radio on the table.; a radio stands on the table. 山上覆盖着厚厚的积雪。 the mountains are covered with thick snow.3.(用在动词或表示程度的形容词后面, 加强命令或嘱咐的语气) 短语和例子 脚步轻着点儿。 walk more quietly. 你听着。 you just listen. 快着点儿。 be quick.4.(加在某些动词后面, 使变成介词) 短语和例子 为着 for; 顺着 along; 照着 according to; by; in
Example Sentences:
She rose and took a tentative step backward . 她起身试探着退了一步。
Reynolds grinned and boomed at me . 雷诺兹咧着嘴笑笑,对我喝了一声。
Lennie stared hopelessly at his hands . 伦尼无可奈何地望着自己的手。
There are several possible explanations . 存在着几种合乎情理的解释。
That was a very large and whiskered man . 那人身材魁伟,蓄着小胡子。
He is alive -- his heart is still beating . 他还活着心脏还在跳。