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English translation for "眼睛一眨"

a twinkle in his eye which belied the gravity of his demeanour
with a wink

Related Translations:
她那长著又长又黑睫毛的眼睛一眨:  with a flutter of her long dark eyelashes
Example Sentences:
1.The cat stared at him from its corners, malevolent and unblinking .
2.They became motionless, gripped in each other's arms, four unwinking eyes aimed and two mouths open .
3.Your eyes closeand open again and again , i die again and again
4.With steady gaze he awaited confidently the moment for administering the restorative
5." maximilian , " replied morrel , looking fixedly at his son , " you are a man , and a man of honor
“马西米兰, ”莫雷尔眼睛一眨不眨地望着自己的儿子回答说, “你是一个男子汉,而且是一个爱名誉的男子汉。
6." tell them to stop at rue de la fontaine , no . 28 , " said the count , fixing his eyes on the steward , to whom he gave this order
“告诉他们在芳丹街二十八号停车。 ”伯爵吩咐他的管家,眼睛一眨不眨地盯着他。
7.As he said this , he became silent and gazed straight before him like one overwhelmed with a strange and amazing thought
8.If you want to learn the power of one - pointed concentration , watch munchie keep his eye on the tennis ball as i am getting ready to throw it
9.If any one could have looked into the room just then he would have noticed the hesitation with which madame de villefort approached the bed and looked fixedly on valentine
10." but , " said the countess , breathlessly , with her eyes fixed on monte cristo , whose arm she convulsively pressed with both hands , " we are friends , are we not ?
“但是, ”伯爵夫人的眼睛一眨不眨地盯着基督山,两手痉挛地抓住他的胳膊,紧张得好象都喘不过气来似的说, “我们是朋友,是不是? ”
Similar Words:
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