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Home > chinese-english > "真相就要大白" in English

English translation for "真相就要大白"

but i know dad the ice is getting thin

Related Translations:
真相:  face; naked truth; truth; the actual state of affairs; the real situation 短语和例子歪曲事实真相 give a false account of the real situation; 不明真相 be ignorant of the facts; 掩盖真相 cover up the facts; 事实
加拿来大白麻:  bethel white canadaa
事实真相:  the truth of the matter; what's what 短语和例子到时候他会把事实真相告诉你的。 he'll show you what's what in time
澄清真相:  clarify matters
维生素真相:  - the truth about vitamins
弄清真相:  get to the bottom of
露出真相:  savour of the pan
对真相:  embroider the truth the tale the facts etc
真相毕露:  have one's true face [colours] completely exposed; show the actual facts; show the real [true] situation
获悉真相:  learn the truth
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