| 1. | On the history of turpan prefecture of direct administration 吐鲁番直隶厅运作史钩略 |
| 2. | Zhili was the center of yihetuan movement 论直隶在义和团运动的中心地位 |
| 3. | On the ban - on - opium movement in zhili province during the qing period 清末直隶禁烟运动述论 |
| 4. | A brief account of the legal activities of house of commerce in zhili 直隶商会的法制活动述略 |
| 5. | Li - hongzhang ' s governance to rivers in zhili area during he was charge in there 李鸿章督直期间对直隶河流的治理 |
| 6. | The cotton production in zhili province during the new deal in the late qing dynasty 清末新政时期直隶的棉花生产 |
| 7. | Therefore , lhe - police system of the zhili province in the late qmg dynasty is a valuable subject deserving researches 因此,清末直隶警政是一个很值得研究的课题。 |
| 8. | The thesis could be divided into four pails : part 1 mainly introduce the background of the establishment of the police system of the zhili province in the late qmg dynast ) 全文共分四部分文章第一部分主要介绍清末直隶警政创行的背景及推行概况。 |
| 9. | In history , hebei bangzi was named " zhili bangzi " , " jing bangzi " and " wei bangzi " which defined its different development stages but not its schools 历史上,河北梆子曾有过直隶梆子、京梆子、卫梆子等几种称谓,这些称谓并非是指派系,而是河北梆子发展的不同阶段。 |
| 10. | This thesis attempts to discuss about the police system of the zhili province in the late qmg dynasty on the basis of the previous researches and with the help of the official documents , newspapers and the relevant local annals 本文将在前人研究的基础上,通过对官方文献、报刊资料及相关的地方志等大量史料的爬梳,对清末直隶警政作一浅显探讨。 |