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English translation for "目光灼灼"

with keen spar kling eyes

Related Translations:
依旧灼灼欲燃:  flames as it has flamed
目光:  1.(眼光) sight; vision; view 短语和例子目光锐利 sharp-eyed; sharp-sighted; with eyes lacking in llustre; 目光远大 farsighted; farseeing; take long views2.(眼睛的神采) gaze; look 短语和例子目光无神 dull look; with eyes
目光检验:  visual test
目光鉴定:  visual assessmentvisual evaluation
残暴目光:  fiendish glare
天使目光:  angel eyes
对目光:  eyelight
目光贪婪:  with a covetous eye (on ...)
目光锐利:  have the eye of a hawk; have the eye of a sailor; have sharp eyes; see through a brick wall [through a millstone]; eagle-eyed
目光报:  die sichtsicht diesicht, die
Example Sentences:
1.They sat there with a kind of glitter in their eyes .
2.Do you know , sydney , said mr . stryver , looking at him with sharp eyes , and slowly drawing a hand across his florid face : do you know , i rather thought , at the time , that you sympathised with the golden - haired doll , and were quick to see what happened to the golden - haired doll
“你知道不,西德尼, ”斯特莱佛目光灼灼地望着他,一只手慢慢抹过涨红了的脸。 “你知道不?那时我倒以为你很同情那金发布娃娃呢!
3.Near bronze from anear near gold from afar they chinked their clinking glasses all , brighteyed and gallant , before bronze lydia s tempting last rose of summer , rose of castille . first lid , de , cow , ker , doll , a fifth : lidwell , si dedalus , bob cowley , kernan and big ben dollard
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