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English translation for "监测电路"

supervisory circuit

Related Translations:
周期性监测:  periodic monitoring
电磁监测:  electromagnetic monitoring
监测仪表:  monitoring instrument
作业监测:  on-stream monitoring
施工监测:  observation during and after construction
独立监测:  independent monitoring
伤口监测:  wound monitoring
水文监测:  hydrologic monitoring
电视监测系统:  television observation system
冰水监测:  ice monitoring
Example Sentences:
1.On introducing a new method of complexity measure analysis , the authors manage to inspect the circuit fault status by analyzing synthetic signal
2.Thirdly , the paper discusses the driver of the peripheral equipment , how to port the uc / os - n and uclinux , h . 323 protocol and the application of the system in the digital speech classroom . also some software and hardware measure are adopted to enhance the system stability . at last , the shortcoming and the something to be improved are given . dsp can be used to realize real - time speech coding algorithm , and after porting ( ac / os - n , arm can manage the keyboard , the lcd and the ethernet peripheral etc . then the embedded network system with specific purpose can be used in others fields , such as pda , set of top , web tv , ect
在实际设计实现中,为提高系统软、硬件整体稳定性和可靠性,使用了以下几种方法: ( 1 )低电压复位、抗电源抖动能力、增加时钟监测电路、抗电磁干扰能力、散热等技术; ( 2 )多层pcb设计,线路板结构紧凑,电源部分采用数字5v 、 3 . 3v 、 3v 、 1 . 8v和模拟5v多电源供电; ( 3 )选用表面贴和bga封装的器件; ( 4 )按照软件工程的要求进行系统分析,规划系统框图、流程分析、模块划分,减小了不同模块的相关性,从而最大限度避免了错误的发生。
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