In summer , flowers are competing in splendor in the garden 夏天的花园,百花争艳。
Let a thousand flowers bloom , and see which one wins dr venter ' s grand prix 且让百花争艳,是看谁可以夺取文特尔的国际汽车大奖赛桂冠吧!
Among all those dazzling colors and brilliant beauty , the natural elegance of this composure , also fascinates people ' s flowerish imagination 在姹紫嫣红的百花争艳之中,这素面朝天的淡定,也是一种绚烂吧。
After lunch , arrive at the salmon hatchery in north vancouver as well as visit lynn canyon suspension bridge . return to vancouver , visit gastown - steam clock on water street 午后前往伊利沙伯女皇公园queen elizabeth park公园,园内鸟语花香百花争艳绿茵遍野,令人如置身于桃园仙境。
Also , in the verdant international garden where a lush lawn and various beautiful plants , flowers and trees thrive , is the log cabin where master used to entertain guests , dividing the garden into two areas for mens and womens meditation 在苍翠碧绿的国际园中,放眼望去绿草如茵树木繁密百花争艳,中间坐落著一间以前师父会见宾客的小木屋,以此为界,划分为男女众打坐区。