[ báiáiái ] dazzlingly white; white and clean (usually said of snow)
Example Sentences:
When winter comes to japan , snow blankets the mountains 当冬季降临到日本,白皑皑的雪覆盖了群山。
There is a wonderful joy in leaving behind the noisy city streets and starting out along the white road that leads across the hills 把喧闹的城市街区抛在身后,沿着白皑皑的公路前往山岗。
The night was dark and starlit ; the road looked black in the white snow that had fallen on the day of the battle 黑夜里星光点点,白皑皑的积雪中的道路显得更黑了,前一天,即是作战的那天下了一场雪。
The shaft - horse swayed to and fro , pricking up his ears as though to ask : are we to begin or is it too soon ? zahars sledge could be distinctly seen , black against the white snow , a long way ahead now , and its deep - toned bell seemed to be getting further away 辕马摇晃着身子,动动耳朵,好像在发问: “现在就开始,或者是还早? ”扎哈尔的黑色的雪橇在白皑皑的雪地上还可以看得清楚,但是它已经驶到很远的前方去了,低沉的铃声也渐渐隔远了。
My father was endeavoring to pierce with his eager looks the remotest verge of the horizon , examining attentively every black speck which appeared on the lake , while my mother , reclining by his side , rested her head on his shoulder , and i played at his feet , admiring everything i saw with that unsophisticated innocence of childhood which throws a charm round objects insignificant in themselves , but which in its eyes are invested with the greatest importance . the heights of pindus towered above us ; the castle of yanina rose white and angular from the blue waters of the lake , and the immense masses of black vegetation which , viewed in the distance , gave the idea of lichens clinging to the rocks , were in reality gigantic fir - trees and myrtles 我的父亲坐在一个大洞前面,目光凝视遥远的地平线,聚精会神地仔细观察湖面上的每一个黑点,我母亲靠在他身边,头枕着他的肩胛,而我就在他的脚边玩耍,带着天真的好奇心眺望着巍然屹立在地平线上的宾特斯山,那白皑皑棱角分明从蔚蓝的湖面上高高耸起来的亚尼纳堡,以及那一大片黯黑青翠从远处看以为是附着在岩石上的苔藓实际上却是高大的枞树和桃金娘。