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English translation for "癌肿的"


Related Translations:
癌肿:  [医学] cancerous sweling
硬性癌肿:  scirrhus
癌肿木:  cancer treecancer-tree
癌肿病:  cankerpotato wart
癌肿瘤:  cancer
癌肿学:  cancerologycancrologycarcinology
癌肿尺蠖:  canker worm
马铃薯癌肿病:  black wart of potatocoral spot of potatopotato cankerpotato wart diseasewart of potatoes
枇杷癌肿病:  bud blight of loquatcanker of loquat
癌肿性胸膜炎:  malignant pleuritis
Example Sentences:
1.The tumor growth rate and the transfer of the proliferation of channels depending on the tumor histological type , degree of differentiation , and other biological characteristics
2.[ abstract ] the article recommended the implication and source of complex decoction and the theory basement for the treatment of cancer , specific contents and methods , such as reducing toxin and anti - cancer , resolving phlegm and dissipating a mass , promoting blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis , regulating qi , dissolving dampness and toxin and supporting vital - qi , etc
3.The article recommended the implication and source of complex decoction and the theory basement for the treatment of cancer , specific contents and methods , such as reducing toxin and anti - cancer , resolving phlegm and dissipating a mass , promoting blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis , regulating qi , dissolving dampness and toxin and supporting vital - qi , etc
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