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English translation for "瘫子"

[ tānzi ] 
a person suffering from paralysis; paralytic

Related Translations:
使成瘫子:  cripple
Example Sentences:
1.The paralytic closed his eyes in token of assent
2." no , no , no , " replied the eye of the paralytic
“不,不,不! ”那瘫子老人的目光回答。
3.He takes part in a stomach race with elderly male and female cripples
4.Demanded he of the paralytic
5.And they came , bringing to him a paralytic , carried by four men
可2 : 3有人带著一个瘫子来见耶稣、是用四个人抬来的。
6.Some men came , bringing to him a paralytic , carried by four of them
7.When jesus saw their faith , he said , " friend , your sins are forgiven .
8.Mat 9 : 2 behold , they brought to him a man who was paralyzed , lying on a bed
太9 : 2有人用褥子抬着一个瘫子到耶稣跟前来。
9.And they come unto him , bringing one sick of the palsy , which was borne of four
10.Jesus , seeing their faith , said to the paralytic , " son , cheer up
耶稣见他们的信心,就对瘫子说: “小子,放心吧,你的罪赦了。 ”
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