瘦: 形容词1.(脂肪少; 肉少) thin; emaciated 短语和例子脸瘦 be thin in the face; 面黄肌瘦 be sallow and emaciated; 瘦得皮包骨头 be only skin and bones; 自去年以来她瘦了好多。 she has thinned down a lot since last year.2.(食用的肉脂肪少)
The farmer tried to fatten the lean cattle for market 农夫试图把瘦牛养肥以上市。
Thin cow syndrome 瘦牛综合症
" really , have you had a vision of the seven fat kine and the seven lean kine ? “真得吗,难道你做了一个梦,梦见七只肥牛和七只瘦牛了吗? ”
The mender of roads went home , with the dust going on before him according to the set of the wind , and was soon at the fountain , squeezing himself in among the lean kine brought there to drink , and appearing even to whisper to them in his whispering to all the village 补路工回家去了,灰尘因为风向的缘故在他前面飞卷。他很快来到了泉水边,挤进牵到那儿喝水的瘦牛群里,向满村的人耳语着,似乎连牛也通了消息。