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English translation for "病毒定义"

virus definitions (liveupdate daily)
virus definitions (liveupdate plus)
virus definitions (liveupdate weekly)

Related Translations:
定义:  1.(确切而简要的说明) definition; delimiting 短语和例子确切的定义 an exact definition; 给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。 to give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.2.(给以确切而简要
盲人定义:  blindness classification
数据库定义:  dbd database definition
定义数:  define number
实物定义:  ostensive definition
元素定义:  element declartion
定义索引:  create index
事物定义:  objective definition
循环定义:  circular definition
记录定义:  record definition
Example Sentences:
1.Be sure to keep the virus definition file updated
2.Virus definitions are correctly updated
3.Update the virus definitions
4.Step 2 - update your anti - virus definitions and perform a scan of your hard drive
步骤2 -您更新反病毒定义和扫描你硬盘演出
5.Update the virus definition of your anti - virus software to scan your system
6.Virus chest the linux version also has a chest directory where suspicious files are stored
7.When the virus definition file is changed , it is necessary to download and replace the whole vps file
8.Antivirus engine is regularly updated with new virus definitions , and vpop3 can keep the local copy up to date automatically if it has an internet connection
杀毒引擎定期更新病毒定义码,如果连接至互联网的话vpop3自动更新avast !引擎的病毒定义码
9.This feature can be very useful , but needs extra attention regarding the installation of proper wanted updates , such as operating system updates and virus definitions updates
10.The second setting lets the client update its virus signatures through the update server we just setup . please enter your update server ' s ip address according to the figure
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