We ' llgetsome grass mini - skirts , maybe have a poi - eating contest 我将准备一些迷你草裙,也许来个吃番薯大赛
These include turkey , sweet potatoes ( 1 ) , squash ( 2 ) , corn , cranberries and pumpkin pie 这些食物有:火鸡,番薯,西葫芦,玉米,草莓和南瓜派。
But not any more . his inspiration today comes from these very streets , from the local people out shopping or taking lunch , and from hong kong s myriad colours and textures 寒冬之际,来几颗热烘烘的炒天津良乡栗子,或吃上一个烫手的番薯,个中滋味,真非笔墨所能形容。
It is not so much that this is necessarily the best stall for fish and seafood , explains william , just that because he has known the owner for so many years , he has developed a sense of loyalty 寒风中,有谁能抗拒此热烘诱惑?番薯肉一般是金黄色,卖相极佳,偶尔亦会碰上紫色的,直教我这个好奇的小馋嘴瞪著眼。
In addition to ashitaba , oshima is known for its yam dishes , niijima for its sweet potato cooking , kozushima and miyakejima are known for taro , snow peas and shiitake mushrooms and hachijojima is known for okra 像明日菜、大岛的山芋料理、新岛的番薯、神津岛和三宅岛的山芋和kinusaya以及香菇、八丈岛的黄秋葵等等。
There were wilted green vegetables , small pancakes , fired ginseng and lotus root , sweet potatoes , squares of tofu , crunchy seaweed chips ? about 20 dishes in total , much more than even the hungriest could eat 有萎蔫了的蔬菜、小煎饼、炒人参和莲藕、番薯、豆腐块、脆海苔片? ?总共约有20道,即使是饥肠辘辘的人也吃不完。
No thanksgiving celebration would be complete without a gut - busting feast that includes generous helpings of mash potatoes swimming in gravy , piles of candied yams , large spoonfuls of cranberry sauce , and slices of pumpkin pie 感恩节的庆祝活动中绝对少不了能撑爆大家肚子的丰盛大餐,包括沈浸在肉汁中的马铃薯泥,堆积如山的蜜汁番薯,一大匙一大匙的蔓越莓酱汁,还有一片片的南瓜派。
They can be eaten in more generous amount such as 240gm or more daily . starchy vegetables such as potatoes , yam , peas , and beans are rich in starch . if they are used in dishes , it may be necessary to reduce the amount of rice taken in the same meal 根茎类蔬菜如薯仔番薯芋头莲藕豆类如青豆眉豆和黑豆等均含较高的淀粉质,倘若用于菜,要注要适当地减少在同一餐所进食的五谷类份量。
They can be eaten in more generous amount such as 240gm or more daily . starchy vegetables such as potatoes , yam , peas , and beans are rich in starch . if they are used in dishes , it may be necessary to reduce the amount of rice taken in the same meal 根茎类蔬菜如薯仔、番薯、芋头、莲藕;豆类如青豆、眉豆和黑豆等均含较高的淀粉质,倘若用于?菜,要注要适当地减少在同一餐所进食的五谷类份量。