| 1. | This article provides a simple program that acts as a debugger while running another user - specified application 这个项目提供了一个调试器程序,可以调试另一个运行着的用户说明的程序。 |
| 2. | Service providers need to monitor the service they offer to their customer and report the qos parameters to the customer 确定了sla参数后,服务提供商需要进行sla监测向用户说明网络运营的服务质量。 |
| 3. | Debugging stub for automated tests ( de - this article provides a simple program that acts as a debugger while running another user - specified application 这个项目提供了一个调试器程序,可以调试另一个运行着的用户说明的程序。 |
| 4. | A debugging stub for automated tests ( de - this article provides a simple program that acts as a debugger while running another user - specified application 这个项目提供了一个调试器程序,可以调试另一个运行着的用户说明的程序。 |
| 5. | G2 is a software platform for evaluating user specified models of secondary growth in trees . an interactive 3d visualisation tool is included for analysis of output data G2是用于评价用户说明的树状二级模型的一个软件平台。包括一个交互式的3d可视化工具来分析输出数据。 |
| 6. | In case the equipment supplied includes also steel deliveries , then the above mentioned procedure does not apply for these steel deliveries and the final acceptance certificate shall be signed by the representative of both parties within 3 ( three ) days after arrival of the steel deliveries in china 如果设备中包含钢材的交付,那么以上提及的程序将不适用钢材的交付,并且双方代表应在钢材交付的3 (叁)天之内签署《最终用户说明》 。 |
| 7. | This article looks at the impact of schema evolution on the application and walks the reader through a usage scenario to illustrate the ease of setting up a php environment ; the ease of integrating db2 native xml functionality with php applications , including web services written in php and xquery ; and the benefit of pushing the business logic and data transformations into the database , using xquery , stored procedures , and views 本文讲述了模式演化对应用程序的影响,并通过使用情景向用户说明设置php环境的容易程度;将db2原生xml功能与php应用程序(包括用php和xquery编写的web服务)集成的容易程度;使用xquery 、存储过程和视图将业务逻辑和数据转换放到数据库中的好处。 |