| 1. | - it ' s the thought that counts . - count me out -你用心良苦我知道-我没这用心 |
| 2. | It ' s the thought that counts . - count me out 你用心良苦我知道-我没这用心 |
| 3. | As i listen to them , i can visualize their parents , striving to teach excellence 当我听着他们,我似乎能看到他们为了教育好他们用心良苦的父母。 |
| 4. | Others are preoccupied with not getting caught , or thinking of ways to catch someone else 这位同伴可能是个用心良苦的母亲,也可能是个不怀好意的孩子。 |
| 5. | This diligent group includes chile , which has run bigger current - account surpluses than brazil , and peru 这个用心良苦的集团包括了秘鲁,以及比巴西经常账户盈余还要多的智利。 |
| 6. | Still despite our best intentions , some of us will lose our companions along the way and then the journey becomes unbearable 这位同伴可能是个用心良苦的母亲,也可能是个不怀好意的孩子。 |
| 7. | But biotechnology will also become a game that almost anyone can play ? for fun or profit ; recklessly or responsibly ; for good or ill 但生物技术也由此可能成为人人皆可参于的游戏,而这些人目的各不相同:为乐趣或为利润,有人冒冒失失有人胸怀责任,有人用心良苦也有人居心叵测。 |
| 8. | Those who seek to halt genetics in its tracks may soon learn that lesson anew , as rogue scientists perform experiments in defiance of well - intended bans 那些寻找停止遗传学在它自己的轨道上的,也许很快就能学到重新的一课,由于流氓科学家进行的不顾那些用心良苦的禁令的试验。 |
| 9. | But despite her mother ' s well - meaning efforts , alice comes to the inevitable conclusion that parental guidance is really a case of “ don ' t do as i do - do as i say 但是尽管母亲作出用心良苦的努力,爱丽丝还是免不了得出这样的结论:父母的教诲确实是“照我说的做,别照我做的做。 ” |
| 10. | While functioning in the outside world , i deeply cherish all the lessons that master gave us during our years together in hsihu , for i often find them useful in practical situations 出门后,我也更加珍惜师父以前在西湖时教育我们的点点滴滴,因为这些都会不时的运用在实际状况,我因而更能体会当时师父的用心良苦。 |