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English translation for "生理分化"

physiological differentiation

Related Translations:
非依赖性分化:  independent differentiation self-differentiation
生理极度:  physiological gradient
生理燃烧:  physiological combustion
生理活性:  biological activityphysiological activity
生理水分:  physiological moisturephysiological water
生理酌:  physiological action
生理品系:  biologic strain
生理环境:  physiological environment
生理电位:  physiological potential
神经生理:  nervous physiologyneurophysiology
Example Sentences:
1.A signal transduction via not only two - component regulatory system but also serine / threonine kinases generally regulates morphological and physiological differentiation in streptomyces
2.The complicated life cycle of streptomyccs is one of the most important reason that attracts researchers on its genetics . a great deal of valuable information on the morphological , physiological differentiation of streptomyccs coclicolor will emerge after genome sequencing is completed . based on the s . coelicolor dna sequences that have been finished and focusing on three ftsk homologous , which may be closely related with cell division , this study tried to find out the functions of three ftsk homologues genes by gene replacement or disruption
链霉菌复杂的生活史是研究其遗传学的一个重要原因,天蓝色链霉菌全基因组测序将会为其形态及生理分化发育的研究提供大量有用的信息,本研究基于天蓝色链霉菌已测出的98序列,对一组可能与细胞分裂有关的基因? ftdk同源基因? ?进行基因置换或中断并对其功能进行初步研究。
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