| 1. | Joseph yam on factor price equalisation 任志刚谈生产要素价格均衡 |
| 2. | Factor price equalisation and factor mobility part ii , 22 november 2001 任志刚谈生产要素价格均衡下, 2001年11月22日 |
| 3. | Those who have studied economics will be familiar with the theory of factor price equalisation 研究经济学的人都很熟悉生产要素价格均衡定理。 |
| 4. | The extent and the speed with which factor prices equalise depend on the degree of mobility allowed 生产要素价格达致均衡的幅度及步伐,将会视乎流通程度大小而定。 |
| 5. | The mobility in the factors of production across two economies will have a much more direct impact on factor prices than trade will have 生产要素流通对生产要素价格的直接影响,将会远较贸易的间接影响大。 |
| 6. | In time , this disparity in the prices of goods and services will be compressed , if not eliminated , by the market , and in the process it will force a greater degree of factor price equalisation 但假以时日,市场力量将会逐渐拉近两地货品及服务价格交易费用计算在内的差距,或甚至使之完全消失,届时便会形成较大程度的生产要素价格均衡。 |
| 7. | The process of factor price equalisation inevitably involves inflation in the low factor price economy and deflation in the high factor price economy . the process could be quite destabilising for both economies and certainly has policy implications 在生产要素价格达致均衡的过程中,价格较低一地将无可避免出现通胀,价格较高一地则出现通缩。 |
| 8. | Factor price equalisation with asymmetric factor mobility has proven to be a painful process , although , when equilibrium is achieved , we will be able to benefit much more fully than now from the rapid economic expansion of the mainland 中港生产要素价格均衡,加上生产要素流动性的不对称,为我们带来了不少痛苦。尽管中港两地最终达致均衡时我们从内地经济迅速增长的得益会比现在大得多,但目前的情况实在不好受。 |