丰: Ⅰ形容词1.(丰富) abundant; plentiful; rich; full 短语和例子五谷丰登 an abundant harvest of all food crops2.(大) great 短语和例子丰功伟绩 great contributions and heroic deeds; great achievements3.(容貌和姿态美好的) fine-lo
瓜: 名词1.[植物学] (葫芦科植物) any kind of melon or gourd 短语和例子黄瓜 cucumber; 丝瓜 vegetable sponge; dish-cloth gourd; 冬瓜 white gourd; 南瓜 pumpkin; 西瓜 watermelon2.(带有贬义地比喻一个人) fellow 短语和例子傻瓜 fool; blockhead