I do not know if you have noticed , but it only takes the name of someone who should in all likelihood have remained unknown or at least of no particular interest to you , to be pronounced once in your hearing , for all sorts of details to collect round that name , and for you then to have all your friends speak about a subject of which they had never spoken to you before 我不知道您可曾有过这样的感觉:一个看来跟您素不相识或者至少是毫无关系的人,一旦有人在您面前提到他的姓名,跟这个人有关的各种琐闻就会慢慢地汇集拢来,您的三朋四友也都会来和您谈起他们从来也没有跟您谈过的事,您几乎就会觉得这个人仿佛就在您的身边。