| 1. | Teaching malama was more difficult . 教玛拉玛比较麻烦。 |
| 2. | The remorselessness of this doctrine overcame malama . 如此冷酷无情的教义把玛拉玛镇住了。 |
| 3. | His choice pupil was malama's daughter, noelani . 他最重视的学生是玛拉玛的女儿,诺伊拉妮。 |
| 4. | Aunt tamara was docile, girlish, sensitive, impulsive . 塔玛拉姑妈贤淑,敏感,女孩子气,很容易冲动。 |
| 5. | "you know what i mean," said irene mallard sternly . “你晓得我指的是什么,”爱莲玛拉正言厉色地说。 |
| 6. | Meanwhile malachy had arisen like another star in the north . 与此同时,玛拉基象又一颗巨星一样升起在北方。 |
| 7. | While jerusha was teaching malama, abner was free to explore the village . 耶鲁雅教玛拉念书时,艾布纳无事可做,便到处走动。 |
| 8. | "i think you missionaries want to stop all fun," malama countered . “我看你们传教士什么快乐也不许人找,”玛拉玛不以为然。 |
| 9. | There were other aspects of his life at malama sugar about which he was not happy, and these centered upon money . 玛拉玛蔗园生活里不如意的事情还有的是,主要是穷。 |