County were black , white , pure natural , dichroic clear 玉体呈黑、白色,纯净自然,分色清楚。
This new bird furnishing articles from nanyang dushan medal from the system , the county dense 1920s , a solid jade dense material 此一款花鸟摆件由南阳独山玉琢制而成,玉体致密莹润,玉料坚实致密。
And of course , use your common sense . if you ' re under the weather and don ' t feel like exercising , stay inside ! your body may be telling you it needs some rest 当然,使用日常生活常识来作判断,如果你感到身体欠佳而懒得活动身体,待在家里!你的龙体/玉体会告诉你勉得劳其筋骨,乖乖地在家休闲吧。
" the jade body , like the congealed fat , accumulate inside with nothing left , the quality is thick and temperate and moist with zhengdong jade , the pulse is paid attention to hard and densly , , sound is loud and clear " 清代陈胜玉记所载:和阗玉“玉体如凝脂,精光内蕴,质厚温润,脉理坚密,声音洪亮” 。
This offered by the three - dimensional quality alone jade carvings from natural a cargo , quality intensive , the quality of the jade plane delicate , smooth shine , comfortable and pleasant attendants evenly falling to the entire county , the mysterious violet nothing left to win , and chui hue seepage miscibility , the eagle more vibrant and vivid 此一款由精品独玉立体巧雕而成,天然a货,质是坚密,玉质冰爽细腻,光滑亮泽,清爽宜人的翠色均匀地飘洒在整个玉体,神秘的紫罗兰色精光闪现,与翠色相渗相溶,使雄鹰更显鲜活生动。