An experimental study of inflammation imaging with 99 tcm - hynic - fmlfk in irm - 2 inbred mice 2的兔血药清除动力学及猴脑显像初步研究
Xenotransplantation of microencapsulated bovine chromaffin cells into the brain of hemiparkinsonian monkeys 微囊化牛肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞偏侧帕金森病样猴脑内移植研究
Indiana jones and the temple of doom ( 1984 ) - the chilled monkey brains and eyeball soup were just parlor tricks : it was the " snake surprise " that was the real centerpiece to indy ' s most famous meal 夺宝奇兵2之魔宫传奇? ?冷冻的猴脑和眼球汤只是客厅里的恶作剧:这是印地安真正的最重要的主菜。