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English translation for "狱中生活"

life in prison

Related Translations:
狱金刚:  cool hand luke
投狱:  shop
典狱:  prison warder◇典狱官 custodial officer
狱政局:  department of corrections
情狱:  hell
东狱:  togoku
狱中书信:  captivity epistles
被送入狱:  be sent to gaol
在狱中:  behind barson iceup the river
逃狱记:  desperate moment
Example Sentences:
1.Or has he abandoned the ideal that he sacrificed 25 years of his life for , too
2.We must now only think of you , my dear friend , and so act as to render your captivity supportable or your flight possible
3.Ken leung ka fai was a designer working in an advertising agency . he was young , well educated and had a good family background
4.Two hours passed thus . it was intensely dark ; still ali , thanks to his wild nature , and the count , thanks doubtless to his long confinement , could distinguish in the darkness the slightest movement of the trees
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