| 1. | This fact was highly agreeable to winterbourne . 这对温特伯恩说来是求之不得。 |
| 2. | Winterbourne was impatient to see her again . 温特伯恩恨不得立即再去和她见面。 |
| 3. | I met him by chance at canterbury cathedral . 我是在坎特伯雷大教堂偶然地碰到过他。 |
| 4. | Winterbourne thought it a most unpleasant scene . 温特伯恩觉得现在这个场面实在叫人难堪。 |
| 5. | Winterbourne listened with interest to these disclosures . 温特伯恩聚精会神地听着这些新闻。 |
| 6. | Winterbourne coloured, for an instant he hesitated greatly . 温特伯恩满脸通红,一时不知说什么是好。 |
| 7. | "oh, don't say such dreadful things!" said wintrbourne . “啊,求你别说这么难听的话!”温特伯恩说。 |
| 8. | "i suspect she meant no harm, " wimterbourne rejoined for dassy . “我觉得她的心地并不坏,”温特伯思为戴西辩护说。 |
| 9. | "i certainly shall not help you to find him," winterbourne declared . “我绝对不想帮你找到他,”温特伯恩一本正经地说。 |
| 10. | "i am not so fortunate," said winterbourne, "as your companion. " “我可比不上你那位朋友,”温特伯恩说,“福气那么好。” |