pull one hair and the whole body is affected; a slight move in one part may affect the situation as a whole.; domino
Example Sentences:
Especially one place of the graph is modified , while other related places are also necessary to be modified 尤其在作局部修改时会导致“牵一发而动全身” 。
As it were , the career education is extremely important , it brings influence to japanese higher education headed up in the university in many ways 可以说,生涯教育具有牵一发而动全身之效应,它给日本高等教育带来的影响是多方面的。
The country town debts come into being from many side of nation and society , they are in disorder , if you to pull one , it will influent every pore 最终形成乡镇债务。乡镇债务的产生牵涉到国家和社会的方方面面,零乱而复杂,牵一发而动全身。
Over recent years , the concept of “ economic globalization ” becomes more and more familiar to us with the more frequent contact of the countries 近年来, “经济全球化”的概念已经耳熟能详。随着各国间经济交往的日益密切,已经到了牵一发而动全身的程度。
As a comprehensive industry that integrates food service , accommodations , transportation , touring , shopping and recreation , tourism industry has a substantial impact on a variety of social and economic fields 旅游业是集吃、住、行、游、购、娱为一体的综合性产业,涉及面广,关联性强,牵一发而动全身。
Excellences : low down each models ” connection , reduce the rate of “ one change makes all change ” , improve develop efficiency , reduce maintenance cost , and also is good for unit test , and then improve quality 优点:能提降低各模块的之间的联系,减少“牵一发而动全身”的几率,提高开发效率,降低升级维护成本,也便于进行单元测试,提高软件质量。
Because it is a systematic work and involves many people ' s interests and conflict , it is difficult to implement and therefore needs complete research and scientific conclusion 由于省级区划改革是一个牵一发而动全身的系统工程,必然会带来复杂的利益重组和冲突,因此改革将遇到的困难和阻力可想而知,这就需要充分研究、科学论证,有计划有步骤地逐步推进。
The economic globalization is a real meaning up of depending on each other . the development of the economic globalization makes an economy contact of all countries is close increasingly , even is interrelated and dependent upon another 经济全球化是真正意义上的相互依存,经济全球化的发展使各国之间经济联系日益密切,甚至达到了牵一发而动全身的地步。
The civil procedure reform , starting from fortifying both parties " responsibility of providing evidence , slowly developed into an overall reform because evidence is the key of civil procedure 加强当事人的提供证据之责任之所以能引起民事诉讼制度的全面改革,是因为证据制度是民事诉讼的核心部位,对这一核心部位的改革能产生“牵一发而动全身”的效应。