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English translation for "牛市和熊市"

bull market and bear market

Related Translations:
牛市:  (股市用语, 买家多于卖家, 价格上涨) bull market
熊市:  (股市用语, 卖家多于买家, 价格下跌) bear market
熊市策略:  bear-market strategies
大熊市:  big bear city
浣熊市:  raccoon city
偏向熊市:  be biased bearishly
牛市的:  bullish
牛市屯:  niushitun
牛市套利:  bull spread
熊市重要反转:  bearish key reversal
Example Sentences:
1.Sometimes he stays all winter in florida , hunting and fishing ; then goes over to hot springs , arkansas , takes a course of baths ; returns to wall street in good health and fit for another tilt with the bulls and bears
2.Fifthly , it discusses that in the dual issues whether the market timing is more important than the target capital structure or not , which can make supplement for the relationship between capital structure and market timing . sixthly , it emphasizes on the aftereffects of china corporate season equity issues , compares the announcement effects and long - term market performances of sei in bull market and bear market , and surveys the reasons and the mechanism of china corporate sei
Similar Words:
"牛市;股市行情看涨" English translation, "牛市;升市;旺市;多头市场" English translation, "牛市;旺市" English translation, "牛市的" English translation, "牛市二十" English translation, "牛市套利" English translation, "牛市屯" English translation, "牛市重要反转" English translation, "牛首" English translation, "牛兽疫流行热" English translation