There were only a few kinds of work manly enough for mr. thompson to undertake with his own hands . 只有少数几种活儿算得上是爷们的事,值得他汤普森先生亲自干的。
- i ' m sorry , papa . - man , did you get old -对不起,爸爸-爷们,你变老了
I ' m sorry , papa . - man , did you get old 对不起,爸爸-爷们,你变老了
Children love toys that allow them to use their imagination 小爷们天性喜欢玩具,那就让他们发挥他们潜在想象力吧。
After reading the " soldiers surprise " , and read their own overnight , and no woman tablets , pure , a man 看完了《士兵突击》 ,而且是自己通宵看完的,片中没有女人,纯爷们!
Wonmen are detail oriented ; they are literally taking in the sights , sounds , and smells at twice the speed that we , guys are 女同志们很在意细节;她们在字面上涉及视觉,听觉,和嗅觉比我们爷们要多上一倍
Yeah , sure , if you want to join the list of guys who have taken her on a " nice " date and then never heard from her again 那么,好的,如果你想加入那些让女士度过一个"幸福的"约会并且之后再无她音讯的爷们的行列中
With this being a primary need for me . that said , i still have a burning desire to run out and buy a fx one , even if it is . . ,活脱脱是他妈的娘娘腔。如果这个世界上爷们不像爷们,娘们不像娘们,危害会很严重,因为不知道应该操谁。
Playing is serious business for children . in fact , it ' s what they do best ! ask them why they do it , and kids will probably say , “ because it ' s fun 对于小天使们来说,玩游戏娱乐绝对是一件严肃的、正儿八经的事。事实上,他们为什么乐此不疲呢?启齿躬问他们为什么,小爷们可能会理直气壮地说, “因为它好玩呗! ”
The first to leave were the wealthy , educated people , who knew very well that vienna and berlin remained uninjured , and that the inhabitants of those cities , when napoleon was in occupation of them , had spent their time gaily with the fascinating frenchmen , of whom all russians , and especially the ladies , had at that period been so fond 他们都出走,首先走掉的是富有的受过教育的人们,他们很清楚,维也纳和柏林保存完整,在拿破仑占领期间,那里的居民与迷人的法国人度着好时光,当时的俄国爷们,尤其是女士们,是很爱法国人的。