It worried him unreasonably in the heat and damp: he couldn't take it lightly . 在潮湿、燠热的煎熬里,他一直为这件事苦恼着,无论如何也解脱不开。
The thin frigid air swept cigarette smoke and stale machine smells from the heated cockpit . 稀薄而凛到的空气把燠热的座舱里的香烟烟雾和隔宿的机油气味吹掉了。
Summer is sultry . that is the reason why i don ' t like it 夏天很燠热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。
That jump , which occurred about 11 , 500 years ago , is the equivalent of minneapolis or moscow acquiring the relatively sultry conditions of atlanta or madrid 其中,发生于1万1500年前的气温跃升,幅度之大,犹如把美国明尼亚波利与俄罗斯莫斯科,变得像美国亚特兰大或西班牙马德里般燠热。