English translation for "熟睡 "
[ shúshuì ] sleep soundly; be fast asleep; sleep like a log; dead to the world; carosis 短语和例子 他一天干下来十分劳累, 很快就熟睡了。 he was tired after the day's work, and was soon dead to the world Related Translations:佯装熟睡 : pretend to be asleep
在其中熟睡 : is sleeping within
当你熟睡时 : while you were sleeping
Example Sentences: 1. She looked also at her slumbering child . 她也看了看那熟睡 的婴儿。 2. He looked down at lydia's sleeping face . 他低头注视着利季娅熟睡 的面孔。 3. He looked like one in a profound and tranquil sleep . 看起来他真像在安祥的熟睡 之中。 4. Once more kate stayed and watched over the sleeping prince . 凯特又留下看护熟睡 的王子。 5. We escaped at dead of night , when the guards were asleep . 我们在夜静卫兵熟睡 时逃跑了。 6. He moved in his sleep . 他熟睡 时翻来覆去。 7. The american dream does not come to those who fall asleep . 从那些熟睡 者的身上是找不到美国之梦的。 8. He was tired after the day 's work , and was soon dead to the world . 他一天干下来十分劳累,很快就熟睡 了。 9. Bertha was quite justly annoyed that her husband should have caught her napping soundly . 伯莎完全有理由发火,她丈夫应该看到她在熟睡 。 10. The only motion seemed to be in the glowing, twinkling stars, every blade of grass was asleep . 似乎只有那些闪烁发光的星星在移动,每一片草都熟睡 了。
Similar Words: "熟视无睹" English translation , "熟手" English translation , "熟树脂" English translation , "熟水" English translation , "熟水铝石" English translation , "熟睡(表示状态)" English translation , "熟睡, 酣睡" English translation , "熟睡不能,酣睡不能" English translation , "熟睡的" English translation , "熟睡的孩子" English translation