| 1. | They left the next morning nevertheless . 第二天早晨他们照样出发了。 |
| 2. | But it could happen just the same . 不过,这样的事情还是照样会发生的。 |
| 3. | I can get along and snake through . 我照样做,并能蒙混过去。 |
| 4. | It would be raining again tomorrow . 明天还不是照样得下雨。 |
| 5. | Most people would simply have continued their lives . 大多数人会照样生活下去。 |
| 6. | But he'll take out on someone else . 他会照样对付别人的。 |
| 7. | He faltered for an instant; then went on as before . 他战栗了一下;然后照样说下去。 |
| 8. | Even in the shop he persisted in his finery . 那怕是在铺子里干活,他也照样还是衣冠楚楚。 |
| 9. | However, i can get on very well without your interest . 哼,你不感兴趣,我照样过得很好。 |
| 10. | If we don't make it today, we'll just have to do it tomorrow . 今天不做,明天照样还得做啊。 |