The researchers then showed the same faces alongside a third photo of a female face in profile , positioned so she was looking at one of them , and smiling ? or not 于是,研究人员们把相同的照片与一张女士的标准照排在一起,这张女士照片有微笑和不微笑两种。
Of course ! by eliminating the intervals of inadvertence during your waking hours you will gradually eliminate the long interval of absent - mindedness , which you call sleep 当然!通过无间观照排除清醒时间歇的失察你将逐渐排除长期的心不在焉即你所谓的瞌睡。
M : of course ! by eliminating the intervals of inadvertence during your waking hours you will gradually eliminate the long interval of absent - mindedness , which you call sleep 当然!通过无间观照排除清醒时间歇的失察你将逐渐排除长期的心不在焉即你所谓的瞌睡。
Today ' s digital typefaces are most often used for offset lithography , electrophotographic printing or other processes that are not subject to the ink supply variations of letterpress , so ink traps have largely disappeared from use 现今的数字化字体通常都用于平版印刷、电子照排印刷等场合,不会受到凸版印刷供墨不稳定的影响,因而油墨陷阱基本上没有了用武之地。
The errors of system and parts of units of the laser imagesetter have been tested , analysed and connected in dynamic balance and also the errors of the laser scanner , reason and source for their generation , and other factors have been analysed and studied 在照排实验中对整体、单元部件产生的误差对照排质量的影响进行了分析、实验,校正(动平衡)等,并对试验过程中扫描器产生的误差、来源、原因、及其综合因素进行了分析和研究。
The company has the world ' s top level of heidelberg five colors of the german off the latest four - color machine and komori four open four - color printing press , using advanced computer systems and from phototypesetting leaflet , lock line , plastic loaded to hot stamping , a plastic , the oil , polish , such as a full set of processing one - stop production line 公司拥有世界顶级水平的德国最新海德堡五色机、对开四色机及小森四开四色印刷机,采用先进电脑照排系统和从折页、锁线、胶装到烫金、过胶、过油、磨光、裱纸等全套加工一条龙生产线。