[ shàyǒujièshì ] make such a fuss about; in all apparent seriousness; in seeming earnest; pretend to be serious; pull a sanctimonious face; put on such airs; with airs of importance; with seeming [affected] seriousness
"what does this mean?" he asked rhetorically . 他煞有介事地问道:“这意味着什么?”
He says he just forgot about it -- a likely story ! 他说他仅仅是忘了像煞有介事。
Then in a grave murmur he said "his name is ferdie. " 然后他煞有介事地低声说,“他名字叫弗迪。”
All looked abashed at this elegant speech, delivered with quite an air . 大家见他煞有介事地说了一套冠冕堂皇的话,个个脸有愧色。
"of one thing, my dear sister," kindly he took her hand and spoke in an awful whisper . “有件事情,亲爱的妹妹,”他亲切地握住她的手,煞有介事地低声耳语。
Most of those reports were a nightmare-grotesque, circumstantial, eager, and untrue . 那些报道大多数都是一场噩梦离奇古怪,捕风捉影,煞有介事,而且不真实。
With a view to aid this deception, deerslayer stood as near the western shore as was a tall prudent . 杀鹿人为了制造假象,让敌人信以为真,煞有介事地尽量让船靠近西岸。
"god bless you, captain frank," came rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died . “上帝保佑你,弗兰克船长,”火光熄灭,只听见黑暗中传来鲁帕特深沉的煞有介事的声音。
As he went spruce and business-like through the streets of wingsburg, he sometimes stopped and turned quickly about . 当他衣冠楚楚煞有介事地在温士堡街上行走时,他时常停步,迅速转过身来。