Body of skin , of moss , of eager and firm milk 爱你的肌肤,青丝,焦渴而坚挺的双乳。
Immediately when he said that , all my thirst , all my agony , all my hurting , it just went away 他那样说完之后的一瞬间,我所有的焦渴,挣扎和苦痛就立刻烟消云散了。
" a mexican with a knife , miss , " he answered , moistening his parched lips and clearing hip throat . " it was just a fight “是个墨西哥佬用刀子扎的,小姐, ”他回答,舔了舔焦渴的嘴唇,清了清嗓子, “打了一架。
" a mexican with a knife , miss , " he answered , moistening his parched lips and clearing hip throat . " it was just a fight “是个墨西哥佬用刀子扎的,小姐, ”他回答,舔了舔焦渴的嘴唇,清了清嗓子, “打了一架。
If angel s father were the good man she had heard him represented to be , he would be able to enter into her heart - starved situation 如果安琪尔的父亲果真是他描述的那样一个好人的话,他一定会理解她的焦渴的心情的。
We wondered in our mind , " is there a spring in the land where she has gone and where she can fill her vessel in these hot thirsty days ? 我们心里想: "她去的地方有泉水么,在这炎热焦渴的天气中,她能到哪里去取水呢?
Do not scold me if i confess that the memory of this innocence and candor fills my soul with delight , that the picture of this devotion and tenderness follows me everywhere , and that i thirst and languish as if kindled by that flame 这个人的纯真和坦诚留给我的记忆,使人的灵魂充满了欢乐,那热爱和柔情的一幕如影随形地总跟着我,好像我也被那种烈焰点燃,产生了绵绵的思慕与焦渴? ?如果我承认这一切,请不要责骂我吧。