升: Ⅰ动词1.(由低往高移动) rise; hoist; go up; ascend 短语和例子升帆 hoist a sail; 把旗升到旗杆顶端。 hoist the flag to the top of the pole. 气球缓缓升上天空。 the balloon rose up slowly into the air. 太阳从东方升起。 the sun rises in
焊接: weld; welding; soldering; seal; sealing; sealing-in; shutting together 短语和例子电弧焊接 (electric) arc welding; 焊接材料 welding material; 焊接操作 welding operation; 焊接车间 welding shop; 焊接点 point of weld
离: Ⅰ动词1.(离开) leave; part from; be away from; separate 短语和例子远离家乡 go far away from home; 别离 be separated; 离连赴京 leave dalian for beijing; 她离家已经多年了。 she's been away from home for many years.2.(背离