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English translation for "热门股"

blue chip
craze shares

Related Translations:
热门:  in great [good] demand; hot; major topic of discussion; major topic of debate; hot topic of discussion; popular 短语和例子赶热门 follow a craze; 热门话题 hot topic of conversation; 热门股票 active securit
热门文章:  most popular articles
热门场所:  attractions
热门领域:  popular field
热门专业:  popular speciality
热门教科书:  popular course book
大热门:  tohit
热门链接:  ubiquilink
热门音乐:  boogiewoogie
热门剧:  hit show
Example Sentences:
1.How do we find hot stocks without getting burned
2.Daily trading vol
3.During the fifth part , we introduce perfect bayesian nash equilibrium , which is the optimal solution of dynamic game of incomplete information , meanwhile , analyze the reason of an abnormal phenomenon in chinese stock markets
第五部分介绍了不完全信息动态博弈的最优均衡? ?完美贝叶斯纳什均衡。分析了中国股市中一些“垃圾股”走俏为热门股的现象。
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