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English translation for "烟雨江南"


Related Translations:
烟雨:  misty rain 短语和例子烟雨莽苍 a vast blur of mist and rain
烟雨楼:  lovelmm_aouipavilion of mist and rain
烟雨桂林:  guilin in smoke and rain
烟雨情:  serenade in the mist
烟雨朦胧:  misty rain
烟雨长河:  yan yu chang he
烟雨莽苍:  a vast blur of mist and rain
烟雨瑶:  yuyao
青山烟雨:  the green hills were enshrouded in mist and rain
烟雨斜阳:  haze in the sunsetmisty rain and sething sunsmoke rain and awry sunsmoke rain setting sun
Example Sentences:
1.With a constructive area of 40000 square meters and 16 floors it owns more than 300 comfortable and elegant president suites , administrative suites and business suites , restaurants and bars with different styles including western style , japanese , korean food , flavor restaurant and atrium bar to provide customers with many good catering and entertainment choices
Similar Words:
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